In this episode of the Puck Podcast we'll talk about a goalie and his famous father making headlines for all the wrong reasons, we'll tell you who Todd Bertuzzi is blaming for his attack on Steve Moore, we'll talk about another possible rule change in the NHL, we'll have a special interview with NHL podcaster Adam Reid to discuss the Canadiens, we'll discuss different ideas regarding punishment in the NHL and we'll recap the week that was across the league and get you ready for what should be a wild finish to the regular season. All that and a whole lot more in this episode of the Puck Podcast.
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Just a comment about the fighting in that junior game. This has gone on for as long as there has been junior hockey. When I played (15 yrs ago) there were fights every night, we had a similar bench clear during warm ups one time. I agree with you about Patrick Roy being irresponsible as a coach and a person. As I’m not making excuses for these actions but you must also realize this is the culture that these guys were brought up in. We always hear about great pros being great people. But I’m sure most will agree in a lot of cases this could not be farther from the truth. I believe part of the reason for this type of behavior in hockey is the player, coach cycle. This is how they grow up, what they are taught and in turn teach when their careers are over and they become coaches. If you look at alot of these higher leagues you cannot even get a chance to be a coach unless you played in the NHL/AHL or other Elite leagues.
So just as some players mature into responsible people as they age and in turn pass along positive, traits to their players when they become coaches, your always going to get people like Roy that do not. The same intensity and self centered behavior that made them elite players in turn becomes a negative that hampers them as coaches and as people.
As far as fighting is concerned even though the bench clear has no place in hockey it will always be there because of the intensity and emotion it takes to play, especially at those higher levels. Fair fighting is and should be part of hockey. In these higher levels of hockey, intimidation plays a huge role in the outcome of a game, I’m not saying that players fear getting beat up but you need to establish consquences for going after skilled players or for commiting cheap shots on any player. One on one fighting is the only way to regulate cheap shots. I compare it to having a league with no masks and a league with 1/2 masks. If you had a league with no masks at all, stick work would actually go down because your aware of the consequences, but if you all have masks then you don’t care about high sticks. Well the same goes with fighting, no fighting would equate to a huge rise in cheap shots. I believe if they would return the fighting rules to what they use to be you would not see as many concussions or other cheap shot plays.
On the standardization of penalties in the NHL, I agree with Eddie, it needs to happen and they need to be more severe. I’m not sure if the NHLPA would fight it or not because even though its a good point about affecting the players in their wallets, that is short term money, if you are on the receiving end of one of these cheap shots your career and livelihood may be in jeopardy. I’m sure most players in the NHLPA would rather run the risk of losing a small portion of their pay as compared to getting hurt and selling used cars for the rest of their lives.
One final point on the hockeytown debate, I know this has not been talked about for awhile but my view differs a bit. I grew up in the Detroit area playing youth hockey all the way to college. Even though the wings are great and have been a dominate force for the last 15 years, hockeytown really applies to the area more than just that team. Again I am not a trivia or stats type of person but just through experience I would have to say there are more teams representing more leagues in Detroit and its suburbs than any other state and possibly province. We have youth, travel, high school, junior, college, semi pro and pro teams all over the place.
So even though I cannot personally afford a Red Wing playoff ticket, I still would have to say I have more hockey choices in Hockeytown than any other place around.
Thanks guys, great show, sorry for the spelling I’ll blame that on hockey as well!
This is a REALLY STUPID site!!!!!
Clearly we have an intellectual in our midst.
Rickie J:
When you get an adult first name, come back to the site, it may make sense to you!!!!!
Brent when you have to get up at 5 in the morning becuase it is the only time in the Twin Cities that your child’s team can get ice time give me a call.
lol, What’s your number Malikademous.
actually hockey is the only thing I would get up at 5 a.m. for…