In the February 23, 2008 episode of the Puck Podcast I told you about the Buffalo Sabres new program called Blue & Gold Make Green. This is a program that the Sabres have started to educate their fans about how easy it is to make small changes in their homes and their day to day life to help the enviornment.
I have joined the Green Team and I urge you to consider doing the same. Most of the changes they are suggesting are very simple such as buying a different type of light bulb, recycling used cans and newspapers, adjusting your thermostat, cleaning out your car and turning off lights when not in use. All of these are very easy to do but they can add up to make a big difference if enough people commit to them.
For more information please check out the links below and thanks again to the Buffalo Sabres for starting this program.
Read the Blue & Gold Make Green Mission Statement