In this weeks show we unveil our new format with reports on all 30 NHL teams. We also discuss Sean Avery’s provacative comments to both Canadian and American televsion viewers, a legendary rock band desecrating the Stanley Cup, Clint Malarchuk’s most recent brush with death, we talk with Kings starting goalie Jason LaBarbera, respond to your e-mails and a whole lot more.
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So, how come the NHL is supposed to be so competitive that any team can win on any night, yet the Wings lose a ONE GOAL GAME where they hit at least three posts and nearly force overtime in the final minutes and it’s SHOCKING? They didn’t lose badly, they lost 3-2. Sure, seeing Montreal rip Toronto apart 6-1 makes it seem worse, but Detroit can’t be expected to go 82-0 against teams that are considered not their equal. Should they beat the Leafs? Sure. But they didn’t get embarrassed, it wasn’t very fair for you guys or the media to rip into them as if they didn’t even put up a fight.
I like the new format so far. Man, I have to say, I appreciate you guys. Great work.
Under those circumstances (season opener, banner raised, Cup in the house, Joe rock’n) AND the very young and rebuilding Leafs against the likely even better defending Stanley cup Champs, you have to at least call it VERY, VERY SURPRISING. No?
I like the new format, and the new logo is pretty sweet. Keep up the good work.
I think it’s ‘shocking’, less so because the defending champs lost at home, and more so because I think Toronto surprised everyone with their level of play. Hopefully it was a good wake up call. It certainly seemed to wake up The Mule in time for game 2…
Like the changes guys, great job as always. How bout them Sharks eh??
If they are going to have the season opener across the pond fine but don’t do it with one of the teams that were in the Stanley Cup. They have a short enough off season as it is and then you have them start a week early plus all of the travel crap.
News is just coming out now about Alexei Cherepanov. Not much to say other than it is very very sad.
Cherepanov Dies During Game
My thoughts go out to Alexei Cherepanov’s friends and family.
Cherapanov’s death is tragic, what can anyone really say? When I first read of his collapse I had confidence that he could be saved, given what I assumed was an increased awareness of players falling victim to this type of “accident”. Don’t the organizations that players play for do some kind of mandatory testing for heart conditions? And if not the individual teams then the governing bodies that oversee them? If not then they certainly should. If any good can possibly come from another tragedy such as this then I hope it’s an increase in awareness and that steps will be taken to educate not only players but teams, organizations , owners and families. Some things are actually more important than hockey.
Well, you guys were Fabian Bruunstrom doubters. But he’s got his first 2 NHL Goals in tonights game against Nashville.
As a Swede and Farjestad fan, it’s really nice to see Fabian score a hat trick in his debut. His trouble in Farjestad was that he tailed off halfway through the season, so let’s hope he can keep it up in Dallas.
I like the new format to the podcast, and also the website and the new logo looks great. The only thing I was distracted by was the computer voice that read the team names, although later in the podcast I realized it wasn’t computer generated. I will probably get used to it though.
The puck podcast gives us fans an excellent weekly summary of all that is going on in the NHL, and the humor of for example Doug’s lawnmower man type comments and Eddie’s chuckles is priceless.
A few more comments. Tough to play against. I think there is some merit to say that the Red Wings, for example, is tough to play against. Doug’s thinking is that it is physically tough to play against a hard hitting team. However, it is also physically and mentally tough to play against a highly skilled puck posession team, because you find yourself chasing the puck a lot, and you can not focus on establishing your own game plan. It’s a lot easier to play with the puck than without it.
The US hockey hall of fame is located in Eveleth, Minnesota. I have been there several times over the years, and this summer I was back after not been visiting for a few years. It really hasn’t changed much over the years. Look, the NHL HHOF is undisputedly in Toronto. But I see no reason that there shouldn’t be a US HHOF. It serves as a forum to recognize and celebrate US hockey players that may not be recognized otherwise. And Minnesota with a lot of the US hockey home grown talent is a fitting place, although Eveleth is kind of in the middle of nowhere.
Speaking of the HHOF, you may have seen the TV commercial for it on the NHL Network. Aside from that the music has some frequent and annoying beeps, the scene in the bathroom were the guy goes number two with the gloves on is somewhat strange and disturbing. But then again, doo-doo is no stranger to the cup 🙂
I think your friend Jason would like to have a couple of goals back in the opening games. But Kings doesn’t look too bad though.
Finally it is nice to see the “this-season-cup-winning” Ducks start the season 0-4 🙂
Hey Doug, that was cool of your Ducks to have a moment of silence for Alexei before their game, despite him not being affiliated with the organization. Real classy move!
I think all teams are doing that, actually. I know that the Kings did it before the Ducks/Kings game on Tuesday so that would lead me to believe that all teams will do it at their first home game after his passing. It is classy and it is nice to honor his memory. It was a loss to the entire hockey world as well as his friends and family and it should be mourned as such.
Eddie, I don’t think it was VERY VERY surprising. A lot of people think that banner raising ceremonies or retirement ceremonies have a negative effect on a home team that has to host the event. While the visiting team has to wait it out, they can go over strategy and remain focused. Like they said on the telecast, the Leafs sat and watched the ceremony, so maybe the motivation worked. It would be surprising if the Wings were to lose a few games in a row, but to lose one game by one goal, even to Toronto, is not in my opinion anything more than that – a one goal loss.
What’s up with the Ducks, Doug? Bad luck running into a hot goalie when points are needed. But seriously, what is it that they’re having trouble with? Is it because the’re unable to play on the edge without stepping over it? If things continue to get worse or do not improve at the desired pace do you actually think Carlyle could be the next coach looking for work? I was surprised to see Savard let go so soon into the season, especially with such an improved team, that’s why I ask.
Love the new logo – I don’t remember it from those presented a few months ago? I do detect a little Duck orange…
Just listened to the new show with the new format. Still need to time to consider my opinion.
Hey guys, I think it would be cool if you guys did Power Rankings each week. On the show say your top 10 teams, then post the rest on the website. Simple way of sayin who you think is the best.
Not a bad idea. Perhaps we will do it exclusively on the website, though. We’ll keep you posted – thanks for the suggestion and the support of the show.